Fire Rescue
We didn’t become America’s fastest growing fire truck builder by following the pack and building the same cookie cutter trucks with light weight compartments like other manufacturers; our compartments are rated at 1,000 lbs. We did it by thinking outside the “BOX” just like you do every day to meet the challenges of today’s rapidly expanding Fire Rescue mission. From routine calls to complex incident command scenarios, our full line of innovative rescue and command series apparatus answers the call 24/7/365.
In today’s tough economic environment, we, like you, must answer the call to provide high quality services and reasonable prices while maintaining a strong commitment to the end user for Quality, Dependability, Reliability, and Durability. From small towns to some of the toughest streets in the country, our custom apparatus answer the call. We are specialists at providing custom products at budget prices while Pride, Quality and Ownership is at the core of everything we build. Each apparatus is built by true craftsmen who know each unit is custom built for you, one at a time and one customer at a time.
We realize you depend on us and others depend on you, together we can make a great team responding to those in need. Designing and developing the toughest vehicles for the best public safety professionals in the country, we specialize in making valuable compartment space that no one can reproduce or duplicate and the durability and the dependability you need at critical incidents.

When comparing options and space for your next specialty vehicle don’t rely on someone else to sell you something you don’t need, do the research yourself and you’ll see the difference.
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